3 months ago

Custom AI Prompts for Icebreakers (v2)

Leveraging our OpenAI Connector and Sidebar for Google Chrome, you can now build custom prompts to generate email icebreakers at scale - all without leaving LinkedIn.

Add context and personalization for each prospect by using their own LinkedIn insights, such as their About section or the content of a Post that they reacted to, automatically.

3 months ago

Unexpected error with Automated Connect Requests - Hotfix

Reported Issue: LinkedIn Automation (Send Invite/Connection Request) failing to execute as expected.

Our team identified the issue first reported on June 13th and immediately applied a hot fix. The updated package has been published and is available for immediate Update.

4 months ago is Live!

Trade multiple API subscriptions for one API email finder platform. Discover verified work email addresses from multiple B2B data sources with one request. Realtime email verification built-in and risky emails are always free.

Check it out, now!

New feature
5 months ago

Export Prospects that Comment on Any LinkedIn Post

One of the most profitable buying signals that can be leveraged on LinkedIn are conversations. What a prospect is saying can confirm that they're either in-market or have a pain-point that they're looking to solve quickly. Finding an audience of lookalike customers is also a very advantageous prospecting opportunity... think of the potential to prospect from a competitors LinkedIn posts.

With our latest feature enhancement you can now export profiles that comment on any LinkedIn post along with key insights, such as the original comment and the prospects comment. Push these insights to Leadfwd along with a verified email address to begin a personalized outbound Sequence or export all of these enriched insights into a spreadsheet (CSV).

New feature
6 months ago

Automate LinkedIn Connection Invites

Trigger a fully automated connection request (invite) to every LinkedIn profile during the export process to boost visibility and credibility with your prospect. 

Each connection request will count as a LinkedIn activity for your daily engagement limit, which we track as part of our safety settings. Please also note that depending on your account type, LinkedIn does institute limitations on both new invites and total outstanding invites. If we detect a limit has been reached from LinkedIn, any additional invites will be paused.

Connection requests are sent without a note. This approach has shown to boost connection acceptance rates by nearly 20%. If you would like to send invites with a note, you can utilize our LinkedIn Task automation action as part of outbound Sequences - which does support personalized notes for invites.