Hotfixes | Production release on December 15, 2022
Hotfix releases into production environment for all application nodes (Nov 29, 2022)
Hey, Leadfwd world!
We are happy to announce to you our new Ringless Voicemail add-on functionality is now live!
RVM for Inbound Sales and Existing Customers
RVM for Outbound Sales and Building Pipeline
Learn more about RVM for Leadfwd
Extended the manual mailbox setting to control delays between each email sent, to include an AI algorithm to randomize the delay between every email sent. This approach helps the automation better mimic human sender activity, which in turn helps reduce some scrutiny from spam filters.
🎉 Leadfwd is excited to roll out new SMS features for sales and marketing teams!
Leadfwd has extended our SMS offering with reply detection, so you can now see which leads are engaging with your SMS messages and automatically end Sequences when a prospect replies via SMS.
In addition you can now select a specific outbound phone number to use for SMS action steps on multichannel Sequences. Before the SMS number assignment was based on the single number that was assigned to each individual Leadfwd user.
🚀 Stay tuned for more to come on SMS!